Linda A. Ditch
Freelance Journalist
Freelance Writer
Topeka, Kansas and Concord, New Hampshire
My work has appeared in the Boston Globe, Dallas Morning News, Food Network website, Topeka Capital-Journal, KANSAS! magazine, Topeka magazine, Taste for Life, Better Nutrition, Great Life, CatFancy, Let’s Live, Accent on Lifestyles, NH to Do, New Hampshire Home, Pet Care News, and American Airlines Custom Publishing.
Food Reporter, Hippo entertainment newspaper
Manchester, New Hampshire
Wrote four to six articles each week on restaurants, food local food trends.
Writing Teacher
Concord, New Hampshire
I taught classes on freelance and creative writing for Concord Community Education. Many of my students published pieces developed in the class.
Senior Editor, Taste for Life Magazine
Peterborough, New Hampshire
Wrote monthly columns on food, books, fitness and the organic industry. Copy-edited magazine page proofs each month before they were sent to the printer. Helped plan the editorial calendar and supervised interns from a local college. Also was editor of The Retail Approach, a four-color monthly newsletter sent to every retailer who received Taste for Life.
Public Relations Coordinator, Living Out Loud Communications
Concord, New Hampshire
Created press releases and media kit inserts. Also managed the office by answering phones, prioritizing messages, updating calendar, filing, and organizing accounts payable/ receivable.